we see a .git
directory, so we navigate to it, and check out the objects we can decompress all the zlib files with
one of them has a weird looking string in it: blob 149YXMgeW9kYSBvbmNlIHRvbGQgbWUgInJld2FyZCB5b3UgaSBtdXN0IgphbmQgdGhlbiBoZSBnYXZlIG1lIHRoaXMgLS0tLQpyZ2JjdGZ7ZDRuZ2wxbmdfYzBtbTE3c180cjNfdU5mMHI3dW40NzN9
removing the blob number gets us a b64decodable string, which gets us the flag:
A Java file where some of the bytes have been corrupted to non-printable values. I went through and corrected it:
Then used:
This takes the difference between any non-matching bytes and prints them as ascii
Similar to the original adventure, the flag is hidden in the easter egg thing of adventure
woa decided to diff the original and the given file, and found that 0xD80 to 0xDD0 changed
I went one step further and found an asm breakdown of the game https://github.com/johnidm/asm-atari-2600/blob/master/adventure.asm
Which shows the easter egg graphic being hidden here
The easter egg is hidden with the byte being converted to binary, and then being shown with a lit pixel as a 1 and an unlit as a 0
We can then take the differenced bytes and do the same to display the flag
I dont know what the flag is but uhhhhhhhh yeah i read it as
Script below: