RSA-CRT. We're given dp, which is d modulus p - 1. This is the exact same problem as Weirder RSA from picoCTF 2017, so I shamelessly copied the script and changed the parameters, revealing the flag
Basically, there is an LCG being used to generate the string of numbers. It takes a seed, multiplies it with "a", adds "b", and then takes that mod a prime "p".
We don't know any of these values however. It generates a list of numbers from a starting random seed this way, and then xors each character of the flag to get a new list.
We know the flag format is "FwordCTF{"
, so we can start by XORing these characters to get the actual string of LCG generated numbers: [6680465291011788181, 5100570103593250306, 5906808313299165163, 1965917782737693404, 9056785591048864532, 1829758495155458643, 6790868899161600099, 1596515234863242753, 1542626304251881944]
Now, we do some modular maths stuff:
6680465291011788181 a + b = 5100570103593250306 5906808313299165163 a + b = 1965917782737693404(all of these are taken mod p of course) 1596515234863242753 * a + b = 154262630425188194
We can subtract the equations from each other to get rid of the b: (6680465291011788181 - 5906808313299165163)a = 5100570103593250306 - 1965917782737693404 (5906808313299165163 - 1596515234863242753)a = 1965917782737693404 - 1542626304251881944
Im using these from now because idk why the others arent working
Solve script:
Each character of the plaintext is encrypted using a known N and unknown e, creating a ciphertext array we're given. Infact, the actual RSA behind it is completely irrelevant. All we need to know is that each character is mapped to a number via a mapping function which we cannot reverse. The ciphertext is 932 numbers long, with 31 unique numbers, making it the equivalent of a simple substitution cipher which we can easily break using frequency analysis.
I used this script(with the values already loaded in enc)
Which prints out:
I'm not sure why the output is wrong, but it can be chucked into a substitution cipher solver( to get the real plaintext:
From here we can see the flag is WELLFREQUENCYANALYSISROCKS wrapped in the flag format(you actually had to put it in lowercase too)