So i just followed the tutorial kek. i spent so long understanding what it meant so heres a summary of it
1. compute prime factors of totient p in form p^k
2. find x modulo p^k (ill show later)
3. chinese remainder thereom!!!!!
4. compute shared key (other ** step3 % modulus)
5. xor and convert to hex then text!!!
did it this script (after chinese remainder i got 64460789473481109991812750133942026256 alice - doesnt need to be prime because they cycle)
a =491988559103692092263984889813697016406msg =12259991521844666821961395299843462461536060465691388049371797540470c = [232042342203461569340683568996607232345,76405255723702450233149901853450417505]at =1for i in a0: at *=phi(i)print(at)at0 = [[2**32],[3**15],[5**4],[7**3],[11],[13**2],[17],[19],[23],[29],[37],[53],[79],[109]]for i in at0: temp =pow(c[0],at//i[0],a)for j inrange(1,10000):ifpow(pow(5,at//i[0],a),j,a)== temp:print(j,",",i[0],end ="),(")breakelse:print(j,"??")