When we connect, we are given a hashsum (sha1/md5) and asked to send data, that when hashed, begins with a particular few bytes.
We have to bruteforce a value to create this, 50 times
from pwn import * from pwnlib.util.iters import mbruteforce from hashlib import md5, sha1 methods = {"md5sum":md5, "sha1sum":sha1} host = ("jh2i.com", 50005) r = remote(*host) for x in range(50): r.recvuntil('Enter the data required for the first part of the ') method = r.recvuntil(' ')[:-1] sum = methods[method] r.recvuntil(': ') hash = r.recvline().strip() import string #chars = string.printable chars = [chr(c) for c in range(256)] chars.remove('\r') chars.remove('\n') def checkhash(string): if sum(string).hexdigest().startswith(hash): return True return False print("Goal: " + hash) print("Method: " + method) key = mbruteforce(checkhash, chars, 5, method = 'upto') print(list(key)) r.clean() r.sendline(key) print(r.recvline(timeout=0.5)) print(r.clean(timeout=0.5))