When opening the video file, we're greeted with a music video.
After running strings, we can see 'password{guitarmass}' and when using binwalk we can get an image that simply says 'password{guitarmass}'.
It's clear we need this password for something, but what and where?
My initial assumptions were using steghide on the files or the video's thumbnail - but of course, nothing.
I immediately got to researching MP4 steganography techniques and found many articles that covered hiding TrueCrypt volumes within an MP4.
While TrueCrypt is now outdated and has many security flaws, I tried mounting the MP4 file, using the password I had found - and again, nothing.
However, with more research I had found that a more secure alternative exists: VeraCrypt.
Now, there weren't any articles I could find about hiding VeraCrypt volumes within an MP4 but I was hopeful and still tried.
I installed VeraCrypt and attempted to mount the MP4, alongside using the password.
And there it was:
Opening the .png will give us the flag.
So you get a .mp3 file.
Instincts suggest strings which shows a wav file in the mp3 therefore if I binwalk it I get a file called OwO.wav.
If you open it up in Sonic Visualizer and load it as a spectogram, it says Password (Shad0ws).
Therefore I binwalked the Owo.wav file and out came an empty flag.png and a .zip file.
The password for the zip is Shad0ws and once thats extracted the png will open and your flag will be:
We get what appears to be a broken png file.
If we open it up in ghex, we can see a weird IEND chunk, which, after comparing it with another png, turns out to be not normal.
So, I just removed the chunk, and then using the fixed png as a guide, I patched the hex to reveal the image.
We are given a PCAP of some WPA2 encrypted traffic, including a handshake.
We run aircrack-ng + rockyou.txt against it to retrieve the key: nighthawk.
We then add this to Wireshark's 802.11 protocol settings, and reload to get the decrypted traffic.
One things stands out, a HTTP 200. This has attached with it a PDF, containing the flag.
We are given a hard drive image of a Linux Alpine system.
Searching for recent files, we find 3 interesting ones. A PGP keypair, and a PGP encrypted file (/root and /home).
gpg --import 257-PRIVATE.PGP
gpg --output test.html --decrypt 197-NOTHINGH.ASC
Opening test.html gives us a moasai thing made out of coloured hexidecimal text.
I then decoded with Cyberchef, which revealed it to be raw png data.
So like the .mid file is a file playing a piano cover of Where Is My Mind (which is a banger btw go listen).
But like strings or binwalk shows nothing so confusion hit hard.
I scoured the internet for tools related to .mid file steganography and found one that converts a .mid to a .csv file.
This was called midicsv and literally does what it says.
So I ran that and it outputted a csv file with characters which looked like ASCII characters to the naked eye.
However there were 2 different streams of different ASCII characters.
I just opened up a site which converts ASCII to text and tried both streams.
The first one was nonsense but the second one had distinguishable features to it.
I could see rac and f5soci3 which could be fsociety?
A Mr. Robot reference which ties into Where Is My Mind.
The track played on the .mid file. However not everything was readable.
So I used another ASCII conversion site and I could see the flag clearly this time.
We're given a PNG with the width and height fields set to 0.
However, the original CRC is intact.
The CRC is a unique value used to check for the integrity of the preceeding chunk, similar to a hash funciton.
Because of this, we can 'crack' the original dimensions with this:
Sizes are: 0x00 0x00 0x05 0x62 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x6B
Adding this back to the image, we get the original image, containing the flag. [IMAGE HERE]
So we get a file called flag.jpg but looking inside the hex shows png properties, Such as IHDR, IDAT, IEND etc etc.
So I overwrote the part of the file header that contained jpg with png.
After doing that I ran pngcheck on the file (after renaming it to flag.png) and it said thst the CRC of the image was 0 x 0, referring to the dimensions.
So I ran the script tony created for Dimensionless Loading and got (['\x00', '\x00', '\x01', '\xa4'], ['\x00', '\x00', '\x00', 'E']).
Here's the script:
Using this I overwrote the png bytes but again pngcheck said it was corrupt.
After this I didn't know what went wrong but it mentioned corruption errors.
Luckily I found a script that automatically fixes such errors though. This was called PCRT.py. After running this it opens the image and you get a flag of: