With an n value this small, it can be quite easily cracked. I used RsaCtfTool (git clone https://github.com/Ganapati/RsaCtfTool), with the command:
So after deobfuscating the script (which i didnt rly needed to) i found it was encrypted with a otp of random order of range(256). so then i thought "kek how can i break otp" but then i realised it never repeats itself. i also knew that it started with "tjctf{" and ended with "}". i created a list of possible values left and used that for each position of the flag. this gave me a bunch of characters possible for that position. i just needed to repeat it until there was 1 char left (connected with vpn cus doxx). i did it with this script.
So i just followed the tutorial kek. i spent so long understanding what it meant so heres a summary of it
did it this script (after chinese remainder i got 64460789473481109991812750133942026256
alice - doesnt need to be prime because they cycle)
Extract red pixel vals from each frame (last bit) go to day's site
copy code with adjustments. convert output to text and bam!