
OK so the binary got patched 4 times lol, I'll just pretend I solved it from the first one

The header reads: mCTZ, indicated the rest of the binary is compressed with 'zstandard'. We can use zstd to uncompress and read the image. It has 2 sections: scode and sin. SIN is ROM (i thought it was input, causing me to delay my solve by at least 3 hours lmao) and SCODE is the code of the program. Extracting the data from these blocks, we can use the specification at to break down the logic of the program.

Accept input

Call function at 0x3E

The functions reads input into SMAIN (general memory) one char at a time until it reaches a newline, and then returns the length of the string by counting the iterations.

If length of the input != 0x0C, print "Incorrect length!" and die

Else, loop through each char of the input with the corresponding char in SIN.

Take the 2s complement of the SIN char.

XOR ~SIN with the input char

Output the result & 0xFF

And with 0xFF causes no changes to a value, so that can be ignored. We can skip the twos complement bit by prematurely XORing every value in SIN with 0xFF. Therefore the program becomes INPUT ^ SIN = OUTPUT.

However, we dont have any information about input or output beyond their lengths, EXCEPT that OUTPUT is wrapped in flag format. Therefore we can express it as

OUT: ractf{XXXXX}
By reversing the function bit by bit, we can recover some of the input.
INP: 123412XXXXX4
OUT: ractf{XXXXX}
And finally, by extrapolating the pattern, we recover the full flag.
INP: 123412341234
OUT: ractf{C1Rc3}

Flag: ractf{C1Rc3}

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