So pot got some json data which contained all of the image ids. I wrote a script that parsed this json, and used wget to grab the image files, and then read and parse the exifdata into a dictionary of {image id: [latitude, longtitude]} (note certain parts of the below script are horrible written)
Use day's coords and plot them with matplotlib (code below) then do some image manip
import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltdefconversion(old): direction ={'N':1,'S':-1,'E':1,'W':-1} new = old.replace('deg',' ').replace('\'',' ').replace('"',' ') new = new.split()print(new) new_dir = new.pop() new.extend([0,0,0])print(new)return (int(new[0])+int(new[1])/60.0+float(new[2])/3600.0) * direction[new_dir]withopen("message.txt","r")as f: a = f.close()ai = [i for i, x inenumerate(a)if x =="["]aj = [i+1for i, x inenumerate(a)if x =="]"]print(len(ai)==len(aj))print([a[ai[b]+1:aj[b]-1] for b inrange(1)])print([a[ai[b]:aj[b]] for b inrange(1)])c = [a[ai[b]+1:aj[b]-1].replace("\\","").split(",")for b inrange(len(aj))]print(conversion(c[0][1]))plt.scatter([conversion(c[x][0]) for x inrange(len(c))], [conversion(c[x][1]) for x inrange(len(c))])