It has a count variable that cycles from 1-4. It essentially grabs chunks of 4 of the message, then runs some base on it, then runs bytes_to_long, then prints it with the end being |
so essentially we get |number|number|number etc. First step is to convert these numbers back to bytes to get the pure encoded data. From there, we know it cycles from 1-4 on the count variable. 1 is b64, 2 is b32, 3 is b85, 4 is hexlify. We can write a simple loop to decode the data and get G00DTH3_FIRST_P4RT_I5_D0N3_HER3_I5_4_F14G_F0R_Y0U_H4RD_W0RK=_zh3r0{f4k3_f14g}. It also sends the key of encryption for the second part(the flag), H3ll0_Th3r3_Fir5t_5t4g3_i5_d0n3_n3xt, as a number generated by bytes_to_long.
Now, for the final decryption. The program has a table. The table looks complicated, but it actually just maps one pair of hex characters to another pair of hex characters. It's in the form,
I wrote a small loop to make this into a "better" table, which was just {pairofchars : newpair}
It thens splits the flag into groups of 4 chars, and hexlifies each group. Then, it runs a substitution as-per this table a random number between 2-4 times. Then, the key is split into hexlified groups of 4, and the string hex values of the finished flag list and the key list are xored to produce the final ciphertext. I simply reversed this step by step(as we get the key), and then ran a bruteforce of the amount of substitutions there was. I ran this, and one of the outputs was zh3r0{Y0u_4r3_4_v3ry_G00d_4nalys3r!} Script below.
from itertools import cycle
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
from Crypto.Util.strxor import strxor
from base64 import *
from binascii import unhexlify,hexlify
enc = "5943134639005711677|5491378081737038141|366970695973|3833466206172886320|5640277313745009981|5351739078059639101|302416945480|3762814891798442803|6354696933901548861|5139258452082510141|305635213400|3688506584576963897|5568232986773634365|5139251786226882877|357308525154|3847819437120304993|7008813202989464893|5786655223480211773|306693940071|3689633605503693413"
enc = enc.split("|")
enc = [int(x) for x in enc]
enc = [long_to_bytes(x).decode() for x in enc]
funcs = [b64decode,b32decode,b85decode,unhexlify]
dec = ""
for x,func in zip(enc,cycle(funcs)):
dec += func(x).decode()
goodtable = {}
for entry in table:
for entry2 in table[entry]:
goodtable[entry + entry2] = table[entry][entry2]
invtable = dict(zip(goodtable.values(),goodtable.keys()))
def invert(hexdigest):
hexes = [hexdigest[i:i+2] for i in range(0,len(hexdigest),2)]
newhexes = [invtable[entry] for entry in hexes]
return ''.join(newhexes)
key = long_to_bytes(140262390255733908276964893730429404145946321017929888946337794323005965712203877415028).decode()
key_list=[hexlify(key[i:i+4].encode()).decode() for i in range(0,len(key),4)]
enc = [b'\x01Z\nU\x05R\x06R', b'\x0b\t\x00RV\x04\x0e\x01', b'\x06\x0b\x00W\n\x06\x05W', b'\x07\x07\x01\\\x0e\x07\x04P', b'T\x01\x06W\x03\x04\x05R', b'\x04QS\x06\x0b\n\r_', b'W\x0b\x04P\x0cST\r', b'\nUS\x01\x01U\r\x00', b'\x05T\x03\x02\x05\x08\x03\x03']
final_list = [strxor(i,j.encode()) for i,j in zip(enc,key_list)]
cur = b''.join(final_list).decode()
for _ in range(5):
cur = invert(cur)