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The description simply read '🐍📦'.
This (or just googling the challenge name) leads us to the Python Package site PyPi, which had Spentalkux 13.37.
I installed and ran this, and received this message:
My creator left this behind but, I wonder what the key is? I don't know, but if I did I would say it's about 10 characters. Enjoy this. Ztpyh, Iq iir'jt vrtdtxa qzxw lhu'go gxfpkrw tz pckv bc ybtevy...*ffiieyano*. New cikm sekab gu xux cskfiwckr bs zfyo si lgmpd://zupltfvg.czw/lxo/QGvM0sa6
The reference to a key of a given length made me think of Vigenère cipher. I pasted the message into and set the known keylength to 10. Hello, If you're reading this you've managed to find my little... interface. The next stage of the challenge is over at (key: SPENTALKUX)
This contained hex data, which gave us raw PNG data when decoded.
The png contained binary numbers translating to '_herring', and a message to look back in the past.
I checked the version history of Spentalkux, and found and installed 0.9. This returned the message
After a long process of trial and error, I solved it. To save you some pain, here's a Cyberchef link: [Here]()